Work With Me
Work with me one on one. As a spiritual life coach, I am dedicated to helping individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. My approach is centered on empowering individuals to cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their life's purpose. Through my personalized one-on-one sessions I guide my clients to unlock their full potential and lead a more fulfilling life full of love, joy and magic...
All sessions are available both online or in-person.
My one-on-one mentorships are $111 per session or $888 for a package with 10 sessions.
For more information please send me an email to or connect with me on instagram @soulful.self.development
Dive into the power of YOU and elevate your life...
1 hr
111 Canadian dollarsHelp your child see their true power & potential all while learning about the magic of the Universe.
1 hr
111 Canadian dollarsOne-on-one Energy reading
1 hr
111 Canadian dollarsA quick insight to anything that is going on in your life.
45 min
55.50 Canadian dollars